Prof. Allen
Gazette Bulletin (Williamsport, Pennsylvania) February 13 1880
Death of Prof. Allen - Prof. F. A. Allen, principal of the Mansfield state normal school, died at his home on Wednesday,after a short illness of pneumonia. Deceased was widely known, an educator of high ability. He graduated from theschool over which he so long presided in 1866. The institution will deeply feel his loss.
James Armstrong
North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia, PA) Wednesday, August 14, 1867
Death of a Venerable Judge - WILLIAMSPORT, Pa., August 13.The Hon.James Armstrong died this evening, aged 75 years,after a long illness. He was one of the most distinguished members of the bar in this part of Pennsylvania, andhas not missed a court in Lycoming county for the past forty years, except during the time he was on the benchof the Supreme Court. He was employed in all important cases in our courts, and aided in the conviction of everycriminal who was over executed in the county. He was highly esteemed for his moral worth, and has been beneficialto many commencing business life. He was a full member of the Presbyterian Church, and gave liberally to its support.- Contributed by Janice Rice
Waynesburg Republican, Waynesburg, Pa August 21, 1867
Williamsport, Pa, August 13. - Judge James Armstrong died today, aged seventy-four years.
E. B. Bardo
New Co. Commissioner Died of Heart Attack - Williamsport, Today (AP) The two judges elected in Lycoming CountyTuesday will name a successor to a successful candidate on the same ticket when they take office, Dr. E. B. Bardo,elected county commissioner Tuesday, died last night of heart attack. Dr. Bardo was completing a term as sheriffwhen he died. [Lebanon Daily News, Thursday Evening, November 5, 1931, Page 7]
Asher D. Bennett
Of Asiatic cholera, in Cincinnatti, on the 18th ult., Asher D. Bennett, aged 23 years, son of John and Sarah Bennett,of Lycoming county. (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, July 28, 1849 - Transcribedby Tammy Clark)
Patrick Callihan
At Muncy Dam, on Saturday last, Mr. Patrick Callihan, aged about 60 years. (Sunbury American and Shamokin Journal,Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, August 26, 1848 - Transcribed by Tammy Clark)
John Calvert
The Lycoming Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, December 4, 1821
Died in this borough on Thursday last, John Calvert, aged 35 years.
Joseph Anthony Campbell
In Williamsport on the 22d inst., Joseph Anthony Campbell, son of John and Elizabeth Campbell, aged 3 years 5 monthsand 14 days. (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, December 29, 1849 - Transcribed byTammy Clark)
Alexander Caven
Lycoming Chronicle (Williamsport, Pennsylvania), July 19, 1837
Died of consumption in Washington township, Lycoming county on the 6th inst., Alexander Caven, in the 16th yearof his age.
William Conrad
Near Muncy Dam on the 5th inst., William Conrad, son of Finas Houghenbauch, aged 6 years. (Sunbury American, Sunbury,Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, January 19, 1850 - Transcribed by Tammy Clark)
Joseph Deal
The Raftsman's Journal, Clearfield PA, January 20, 1858
A young man named Joseph Deal, was discovered dead in his bed on the morning of the 1st, in Williamsport. He haddied during the night of an attack of epileptic fits.
John Eck
ECK, John, died July 6 at Loyalsock Township, Lycoming Co., after food stuck in his windpipe. [National Intelligencer,July 12, 1833] (tr. By GT Team)
Martha Lucinda Grier
In Jersey Shore, on the 18th ult., Miss Martha Lucinda, daughter of the Rev. John H. Grier, aged 22 years, 11 monthsand 5 days. . (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, September 8, 1849 - Transcribed byTammy Clark)
John Hays
The Lycoming Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, October 16, 1821
Died suddenly in this borough, on Tuesday evening last, John Hays Esq., of Lycoming township, aged 58 years, formersheriff of Lycoming county, and for a number of years an Elder of the Lycoming Congregation. The deceased leftan admirable wife, an only son, and a large, extension connection of relatives, friends and neighbors to deplorethe loss of an affectionate husband, tender parent, kind friend and good neighbor. On the day following his remainswere deposited in the burial of this place, in the presence of a very large concourse of people.
William Hays
The Lycoming Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1821
Died at his residence in Lycoming township, on Thursday last, Mr. William Hays, aged 31 years, he was a very industriousand excellent farmer; and in the relations of citizen, neighbor, child and brother, he acquitted himself with greatpropriety, and was respected by all who knew him.
Elareo Henandez
In the Borough of Muncy, on the 19th inst., Elareo Henandez, a native of Mexico, aged 16 years. The deceased accompaniedLt. Col. Bri?dle on his return from Mexico to the United States. Son after his arrival at this place he becameaffected with the dropsy and consumption, which terminated his existence.(Sunbury American and Shamokin Journal,Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, October 28, 1848 - Transcribed by Tammy Clark)
Dr. Pollock F. Hyatt
Ex-Consul Dead - Williamsport, Pa., Jan. 18. - Dr. Pollock F. Hyatt, who was United States consul at Santiago deCuba for five years prior the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, died at his home in Jersey Shore Sunday night,aged 68. During the civil war Dr. Hyatt was surgeon of Carver hospital, Washington, D.C. (The Decorah Journal,26 Jan 1904, p7. Transcribed by Heather Holley)
Mrs. Fannie Kibbie
Raftsman's Journal, Clearfield PA, June 01, 1859
Mrs. Fanny Kibbie died very suddenly in Nippenose Township on the 19th. She was well but a few hours before shewas found dead in her house, and the cause of her death in not known.
Isaac Kinley
Isaac Kinley died at the Rouse sanitarium, on Wednesday evening. He was aged over 80 years. His death was the indirectresult of blood poisoning sustained about ten years ago. At that time a foot was amputated and recently the otherfoot was taken off. Despite the surgical operation the poisoning spread and there was a gradual hardening of thearteries. The deceased is survived by four daughters and two sons. The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoonat 2 o'clock at the home of his son-in-law, T Abernatha, 1019 Clara Street. [Gazette and bulletin, Williamsport,Pennsylvania 4 Nov 1910 - Transcribed by: Shannon Thomas]
Mrs. Anna M. Kline
Died in Penn Township, 23d isn't., Mrs. Anna M. Kline, aged 89 years. [Lewisburg Chronicle, Lewisburg, Pa, January01, 1851]
Mrs. Mary Matilda Lloyd
At Williamsport, on the 19th ult., Mrs. Mary Matilda Lloyd, wife of Samuel H. Lloyd, Esq., in the 32d year of herage. (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, December 8, 1849 - Transcribed by Tammy Clark)
Mrs. Ambrose Lyman
The Lycoming Gazette (Williamsport, Pennsylvania) January 11 1823 Page 3
Died a few days since, Mrs. Lyman, relict of Ambrose Lyman, late of Lycoming township, dec.
Henry Richard Maneval
Gazette Bulletin (Williamsport, Pennsylvania) February 13 1880
Died on February 4th, 1880, of croup, Henry Richard, son of Edward and Annie Maneval, aged 4 years, 1 month and28 days. Funeral services were held at Salladesburg, by Rev. H. W. Buck.
John Mason
On the 26th ult., at Newberry, Lycoming county, while on a visit to his farms in that vicinity, Mr. John Mason,of Mason's Hill, Union county, aged about 78 years. The deceased was a very worthy man, and much respected, butexceedingly eccentric. He was the builder and owner of those two towers on the top of the hill opposite Northumberland,which all will recollect who have travelled up the West Branch. (Sunbury American and Shamokin Journal, Sunbury,Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, May 5, 1849 - Transcribed by Tammy Clark)
John McMeens
Republican Compiler, Gettysburg, PA, June 22, 1830
Died on Saturday the 12th inst. at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pa. Col. John M'Meens, aged 55 years, for manyyears a member of the State Legislature.
Mrs. Jane M'Reynolds
Near Muncy, on the ult., Mrs. Jane M'Reynolds, consort of Mr. Andrew M'Reynolds, aged 62 years, 8 months and 28days. (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, April 13, 1850 - Transcribed by Tammy Clark)
Mrs. Hannah Morris
Gazette Bulletin (Williamsport, Pennsylvania) February 13 1880
Died in Muncy borough, on Saturday, February 7th, 1880, Mrs. Hannah Morris, aged 85 years, 10 months and 4 days.
Mrs. Josephine Munson
Sullivan Republican (Laporte, Sullivan County Pa.) August 2, 1889
Mrs. Josephine wife of C. La Rue Munson of Williamsport died in that city on Friday evening last. Mrs. Munson waswell known in the fashionable circles of Eagles Mere, having spent many summers at that resort. Mr. Munson hasjust erected a handsome stone cottage at the 'Mere and expected to occupy the same soon.
Mary Alice Painter
In Muncy, at the residence of W.P.I. Painter, Mary Alice, daughter of E.G. and Elizabeth Painter, of Mountoursville,aged 1 year, 2 months and 12 days. (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, December 7, 1850- Transcribed by Tammy Clark)
Mrs. Mary Reed
At Jersey Shore, on Sunday last, Mrs. Mary Reed, wife of Dr. Reed, and daughter of Mrs. Doreas Grant of this place,aged about 25 years. (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, September 22, 1849 - Transcribedby Tammy Clark)
Frederick Riebmoyer
The Lycoming Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania October 16, 1821
Died on Saturday last, in this borough, Frederick Riebmoyer, aged 35 years, was by trade a shoemaker, but a fewyears from Germany.
James H. Rothrock's Son
Raftsman's Journal, Clearfield PA September 2, 1857
A son of Mr. James H. Rothrock, not five years old, was drowned at Williamsport of Monday of last week.
Violet M. Seiwell Ryder
Contributed by Norma A Ryder Bower
Williamsport Sun Gazette
Obit: Mrs. Violet M. Ryder, 77, of 798 West Edwin Street, was pronounced dead on arrival at the Williamsport Hospitalemergency room at 1:30 PM Sunday, September 23, 1990 after being stricken at home. Her husband, Edward J. Ryder,died March 11, 1976. She was a cook in various area restaurants, retiring in 1976. She was a member of NewCovenant United Church of Christ.
Born September 6, 1913, in Freeland, Luzerne County, she was a daughter of Edgar C. and Esther Rhoda Seiwell. Survivingare a son, Eugene E. Ryder, of this city, two daughters, Norma A. Bower, of South Williamsport, and Mrs. MaxineL Wise of this city. A sister Mildred V Lemon of this city, 9 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Ann Salmon, William Salmon
Died in Woodford Township, Clinton Co., 28th Nov., in her 28th year, Ann, wife of William Salmon. In White Deed,15th ult., William Salmon, aged about 33 years. [Lewisburg Chronicle, Lewisburg, Pa, January 01, 1851]
Mrs. Mary Shoemaker
On the 15th inst., in Muncy Creek tp., Ly. Co., Mrs. Mary, relict of the late Benjamin Shoemaker, Sen., in the79th year of her age. (Sunbury American, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa., Saturday, April 27, 1850 - Transcribedby Tammy Clark)
Mrs. Sarah Smiley
The Lycoming Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, September 25 1821
Died at her residence in Washington township, on the 12 inst., Mrs. Sarah Smiley, consort of William H. Smiley.Her remains were interred on the day following attended by a concourse of weeping friends and relatives.
John Snyder
Died in Penn Township, 20th ult., aged about 72 years, John Snyder, formerly of Sunbury. [Lewisburg Chronicle,Lewisburg, Pa, January 01, 1851]
J. Blair Linn Trout
At Williamsport, on Sunday morning, 6th instant, J. Blair Linn, son of A. J. and E. J. Trout,aged 7 months and11 days. (Source: Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884: November 11, 1854, Image 2) - Transcribed by DonaldBuncie
Chesney White
The Lycoming Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, July 3 1821
Died on Thursday last, Mr. Chesney White of Pine Creek township