Top 125 Pageant Questions Asked by Judges (in Every Pageant) (2024)

The pageant questions that you are about to read were taken from the data of our famous “Question of the Day”, asking titleholders what pageant questions they were asked immediately following their interview and talking with pageant judges ranging from the Miss America panel to local Fairs and Festivals pageants to Miss World.

These pageant questions were then put into a massive list to look for what questions were repeated most commonly. For our Question of the Day, we looked for the most shared pageant questions and combed through the comments on Facebook and on our site that said things like, “When I was asked that here is how I responded” and “I was asked that at my last pageant.”

Is learning about interview overwhelming? Here's the #1 tool contestants use to train for their interview.

Top 125 Pageant Questions Asked by Judges (in Every Pageant) (1)

Miss India 2020 Adeline Castelino asking her final question at Miss Universe 2020. Photo: Miss Universe Organization/Tracy Nguyen

So be at peace with yourself. Know that you put your all into your training and regardless of what the judges score you that they are not scoring your value as a human being. They are only writing down a number, usually from 1 to 10, that will tell the auditor how badly they want to hire you for the job of being the pageant’s spokesmodel based on your interview. That score means nothing else. You are a 10 in life value. Now, let’s practice these pageant questions to get you closer to a 10 in the interview room.

Recommended reading if you want to experience success in interview:

  • What Am I Being Judged on in Pageant Interview
  • Who Judges Pageant Interview
  • How Important is My Pageant Interview Outfit to My Score
  • What Paperwork Do I Need for My Pageant Interview

Top 25 Pageant Questions Asked in Interview

  • What makes you different from the other girls competing today?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Why do you think that you are the best candidate for this title?
      • What makes you stand out from the other contestants?
      • What makes you unique?

Pageant Answer Tip:

This is where you can talk about the attributes and strengths you can bring as the new title holder. Give examples of them in action and how you plan to use your uniqueness/skills with the title.

Example Pageant Answer:

"Although each of the girls competing here is amazing in their own way, what sets me apart is my tenacity, hard work ethic, and leadership skillsI possess. Throughout my reign, I've been able to *insert accomplishments* whilemy tenacity and leadership abilities forge the path for me to achieve the goals I plan to accomplish, setting me apart from the other contestants here."

  • Why should you win this pageant?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Why would you make a good ?
      • Why should we choose you from the other contestants?
      • Why should we select you as the next Miss (Teen, Ms, Mrs) ______ ?
      • Why do you deserve to win this title?
      • What do you like most about yourself?

Pageant Answer Tip:

Talk about a few of your accomplishments, challenges you've overcome, and/or traits about yourself that make you good for the role.

Example Pageant Answer:

"Being an ambitious hard worker, I always am thinking about my next goal or plan to accomplish. Already throughout my reign, I have *insert accomplishments* and know as your next *pageant title you're competing for* it will give me even greater reach to achieve my goals. I know the responsibilities that come with this job and am excited for the challenge that comes with the title and being able to make an even greater impact in my community and the nation."

  • Why do you want to win this pageant?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What will you do if we crown you the next Miss (Teen, Ms, Mrs) _____?
      • Why did you decide to compete in this pageant?
      • Why did you start competing in pageantry?
      • What do you want to get out of this pageant?

Pageant Answer Tip:

Introduce how your values and missions align with the pageant's, what you plan to do as the new titleholder, and what the pageant means to you.

Example Pageant Answer:

"What I love about this pageant system is how my values align perfectly with the pageant. I know firsthand the hard work, dedication, and courage that come with competing in a pageant, and want to be a leader and role model for all girls competing. I plan to use the title to make an even greater impact on my platform and the pageant's platform as it is a very special issue to me that I plan to eradicate or alleviate as much as I possibly can."

  • Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
      • What goal do you want to have achieved when you are?

Pageant Answer Tip:

Explain the goal(s) you want to achieve in that time and how you plan to achieve it. This gives them insight into how determined you are to make an impact even after life with the title.

Example Pageant Answer:

"In the next 5 years I hope to have graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in veterinary sciences. As a dog person my entire life, I have always had a love for animals and would love to be able to care for them as my job. I also hope to have expanded my platform to a national level."

  • Tell me more about yourself?
    • Further explanation: The majority of the pageant questions you will be asked in interview will be from your pageant paperwork (unless you live in the UK or other countries that do not have paperwork). Out of these pageant questions, the vast majority of pageant questions will be centered around the “interesting facts” section of your paperwork.
    • Variations of this question:
      • Tell me about yourself (this is almost always asked first in the UK)

Pageant Answer Tip:

This is where you can steer the interview in whatever direction you want to go in first. You can give a few facts about yourself, then end with your most exciting fact or accomplishment, leading the judges to ask more about it in the next question.

Example Pageant Answer:

"As a current junior at Riverdale Highschool I am an active member of the volleyball team, and also the president of the Key Club. The Key Club is volunteer-based and as the creator of *insert platform*giving back to my community has also been very important to me."

  • Who is your role model?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Would you say that you are a good role model?
      • Do celebrities have a responsibility to be positive role models?
      • If you could be anyone else besides yourself who would you be?
      • What celebrity do you idolize?
      • Who is the person you look up to the most?
      • If you could meet (have lunch with) any person in history who would it be?

Pageant Answer Tip:

This is an opportunity to bring up someone you admire with similar values/ambitions and explain how you connect to them.

Example Pageant Answer:

"I would have to say, Serena Williams. As a woman in sports, I have always looked up to her determination and strength. She has taught me and so many other young women to always stand up for what they believe in even if it’s hard."

  • What will you do if you win this title?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What will be the first thing you do should we crown you Miss (Teen, Ms, Mrs) _____ ?
      • What will be the first thing you eat after the pageant?
      • What’s the first thing you will do after the pageant is over?

Pageant Answer Tip:​​​​​​

This is a chance to make a joke or show the judges your personality. Whether you say eating a massive ice cream sundae, hugging your friends and family, or sleeping in, this is an opportunity to show them a more relatable side. You also could talk about your plans in detailas the next titleholder.

Example Pageant Answer:

"Immediately after I win I would probably start crying but after that, I would thank my parents because they truly have been my rock this entire time. One of my main objectives as a titleholder would be to expand my platform to a national level. I started my platform because (insert reason) and believe that having this title would give me an even larger platform to help others."

  • What is your dream job?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What do you want to do for a living?
      • Are you working your dream job?
      • Where do you want to go to college? (Teens)
      • What do you want to study in college? (Teens)

Pageant Answer Tip:

Talk about your plans, interests, and how you will obtain your future.

Example Pageant Answer:

"As a current senior at the University of Washington majoring in business and minoring in entrepreneurship it has always been a dream of mine to own my own med spa. I have always had a passion for skincare and making women feel beautiful in their own skin. I also want to be a role model to young girls so that they don’t have to have a traditional job and can be their own boss."

  • What has been your biggest failure?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Tell us about a challenge that you experienced and how you overcame it.
      • Tell us about your biggest disappointment and how you bounced back from it.

Pageant Answer Tip:

Use this opportunity to explain a situation you overcame to show that you haveadaptable/problem-solving/creative skills that make you a leader.

Example Pageant Answer:

"Originally when I was applying to colleges, I did not get into the dream school I had planned on. However, I believe life gives us redirects at the right time, even though it could appear upsetting at first. The college I ended up going to, has been a perfect fit and environment for me to grow into the person I dream of, and has allowed me to make a bigger impact in my community and my platform. Although the initial rejection was upsetting at first, maintaining an optimistic point of view for whatever life gives you is always essential."

  • What is the most important issue your generation is facing?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What do you think isthe biggest problem facing young people today?
      • If you could give your younger self one piece of advice what would that be?
      • What do you think is the biggest problem facing teens today?

Pageant Answer Tip:

Based on current events/trends you're educated on, explain an issue you see and what steps you believe can be taken to overcome it.

Example Pageant Answer:

"Social media has both negatives and positives and is a staple in today's culture. Cyberbullying is at an all-time high and with hackers and people wanting to go viral, there poses a lot of threats to young teens on social media. With my platform, I am encouraging a safe space for individuals on social media to create, share, and express themselves freely while communicating with others online."

  1. Why do you think that people have a negative image of pageantry?
    • Variations of this question:
      • With the current negative media attention on pageantry, what advice would you give someone on the fence about competing?
      • Do you think that pageantry objectifies women?
      • Have you experienced criticism for competing in pageantry? If so, how did you handle it?
      • What would you say to someone that says pageantry degrades women?

Pageant Answer Tip:

This can be an opportunity to show how pageants have empowered you and the skills and friendships you've gained from competing.

Example Pageant Answer:

"To people on the outside of pageants, they may see it as demeaning towards women, superficial and only about outward beauty, and that none of the girls are actually friends with each other. Although the negative stereotypes from movies have added to this portrayal, it couldn't be farther from the truth! I have made some of my deepest and truest friends through pageantry and have never felt more empowered after competing on stage. It's a space for women to become their best selves and be in a community filled with ambitious women."

  • Have you ever been bullied? If so, how did you handle it?
    • Variations of this question:
      • How do you handle peer pressure?
      • Tell us about a time when you had to overcome peer pressure to do the right thing

Pageant Answer Tip:

Unfortunately, a lot of people have been bullied. This can be a chance to be relatable yet inspiring to the judges to talk about overcoming peer pressure and growing confidence.

Example Pageant Answer:

"I faced a lot of bullying in middle school and even thought about becoming home-schooled. At first, it was very hard on me mentally, and I developed some anxiety. I have found that my relationship with myself is what's most important, and not others' opinions of me. Loving myself and all of my flaws has allowed me to grow my confidence back. Competing in pageants has alsohelped me to overcomethe public speaking and social anxiety I have had in the past. I'm ready to face situations with clear confidence and stand grounded for what I believe in now."

  • How did you prepare for this pageant?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What kind of obstacles did you have to overcome to compete in this pageant?
      • Did you hire a pageant coach to help you prepare?
      • Who helped you prepare for this pageant?
      • What was the hardest sacrifice you had to make when preparing for this title?

Pageant Answer Tip:

This question allows you to showyour dedication, work ethic, and mentality when life gets busy and/or stressful by answering with your journey to the pageant.

Example Pageant Answer:

"I have found that honesty is the best policy when it comes to communicating with people in my life. Whenever I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I would tell my coaches and loved ones and they were always there to help me bounce back! Being honest about my busy schedule allowed space for my friends and family to know what I was trying to accomplish and helped alleviate any issues.

  • Why did you select your pageant platform?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Why is your platform important to you?
      • Why do you think your platform is important?

Pageant Answer Tip:

This is the perfect opportunity to talk about what issues matter to you most and what impacts you're making to alleviate the issues.

Example Pageant Answer:

"As both of my grandmothers went through breast cancer, it has become very important to me as a woman to spread breast cancer awareness and help young women look for signs. All forms of cancer are difficult for any individual and their family, but having personally witnessed my own family members go through breast cancer and as a woman myself, I want to help women be aware of the signs and symptoms and help them feel educated and empowered on the matter."

  • Do you think technology is hurting personal relationships?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Is technology hurting our communication skills?
      • Is social media bringing people together or causing separation?
      • Is texting hurting our communication skills?

Pageant Answer Tip:

Weigh the pros and cons of how technology has impacted relationships and what steps you're taking to make it a better environmentfor others.

Example Pageant Answer:

"Although technology has limited face-to-face conversations, it has given people the opportunity to also interact with people from all over the world. Personally, I have been able to reconnect with friends, grow my personal business, and obtain partnerships for my platform with social media."

  • If you woke up tomorrow and gained any one ability or quality, what would you want it to be?
    • Variations of this question:
      • If you could have any superhuman power what would it be?
      • If you could have the powers of any superhero what would it be?

Pageant Answer Tip:

This can be another opportunity to show your personality and be playful, or you can talk about your strengths and weaknesses.

Example Pageant Answer:

"I would want to be able to teleport. Having friends and family who live far away from me, and getting to instantly see loved ones whenever I want would be such a blessing. It also would eliminate travel time from my day giving me more free time to do what I want or accomplish more tasks!"

  • If you could only have one wish, what would you wish for?
    • Variations of this question:
      • If I were a genie in a bottle and could grant you any one wish what would that be? (Note: You better wish to win the crown!)

Pageant Answer Tip:

This question allows you to turn the interview in whatever direction you want it to go in. You can try to make them laugh, talk about an issue you want to alleviate or choose to get personal with the judges.

Example Pageant Answer:

Although winning the title would be an amazing wish, I would love to be fluent in every language! As an avid traveler, being able to immerse fully into whatever culture or country I have traveled to would feel powerful and offers a new way to connect to others. Not only would knowing multiple languages be exciting, but it also removes any language barrier I may encounter and broadens so many of my horizons."

  • What is your biggest fear?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Tell us about your biggest weakness.
      • What is your biggest flaw?

Pageant Answer Tip:

You can take this opportunity to talk about a fear/weakness you had in the past and how you overcame it.

Example Pageant Answer:

"I've always had a fear of insects and getting stung by them. At my school, I joined the beekeeping club to overcome my fear and involve myself more with nature. Baby bees are sofuzzy and friendly! I didn't wear any protection and did not get stung once. It was both fun and empowering to overcome my fear and be a part of this new club!"

  • What is your guilty pleasure?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What is your favorite food?
      • What is your favorite dessert?

Pageant Answer Tip:

You can answer this question playfully andtalk about what you'll eat after the pageant.

Example Pageant Answer:

"On a rainy day, I love cuddling up on the couch and watching a comfort movie while eating popcorn. It's such ablissful day for me!"

  • What is your favorite movie?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What is your favorite television show that you have to watch weekly?
      • What is your favorite book?
    • Pageant Answer Tip:
      • A good personality question you can try to relate to the judges with or talk about a movie that impacted you deeply.

Example Pageant Answer:

"The Breakfast Club is a cult classic and has always been a favorite movie of mine. I love how so many of the characters at first glance seem so different from each other, but by the end of the movie, they have all realized they are so much more similar to each other than they initially thought. It inspires me to befriend all kinds of people, as you never truly can judge a book byits cover, and there's so much as humans we can always learn from each other."

  • Do you have a hidden talent?
    • Variations of this question:
      • What is one thing that we would not know about you just by looking at you?

Pageant Answer Tip:

Another opportunity to showcase your personality or state a fun fact about yourself!

Example Pageant Answer:

"When I was a child I loved solving Rubix cubes! I actually know how to solve one in under 60 seconds!"

  • With everything that you have going on how will you handle the responsibilities of the crown if you are selected?
    • Variations of this question:
      • How will you handle the responsibilities of the crown on top of your job, family, and marriage? (Mrs / Ms contestants)
      • How do you plan on juggling the responsibilities of the crown with the demands of your current life?

Pageant Answer Tip:

Use this opportunity to explain your work ethic, how you manage stress and busy schedules, and how you're ready to take on this new role and responsibilities with the title.

Example Pageant Answer:

"I thrive under pressure and have been able to manage this title while being a full-time student and volunteering regularly for my platform. I love having a schedule and as your next title holder, I am eager to add all of the new responsibilities and actions I will take onto my calendar."

  • If you could visit any place in the world where would you go?
    • Variations of this question:
      • Describe to us your dream vacation.
      • What has been your favorite place you have visited?
      • Tell us about your favorite family vacation.

Pageant Answer Tip:

You can use this question to talk about personal family culture/heritage, show your personality, or relay a special memory from vacation to the judges.

Example Pageant Answer:

"Studying French for the last 7 years of my life and being 1/5 French, I have always wanted to visit the beautiful country to immerse myself into the culture, speak the language with natives, and learn more about the rich history in France. And visit the Eiffel tower while eating crepes of course!"

  • Some random question that you don’t know.
    • Explanation: You will experience judges who will ask you random pageant questions based on their vast knowledge of politics, history, or their occupations that you do not know. Practice what you will say when a judge asks you something that is outside of your knowledge base. Hint: It’s ok to tell the judge that you don’t know. Your goal is to win a beauty pageant, not be a walking encyclopedia.

Pageant Answer Tip :

​​​​​​​You are not Google. Do not put pressure on yourself to know everything. You know things your judges don't, and your judges will know things you don't. That's just life.

Example Pageant Answer:

"That's a great question! I would love to educate myself more on the topic and then get back to you with an answer."

  • Current Event Pageant Questions
    • Explanation: Current events are so time sensitive that you knowing what is popular would not add value to this article. I will list some of the subject matter most talked about in interview but the best way to practice your current events is to read, "Pageant Weekly".
      • States legalizing marijuana
      • Same-sex marriage
      • Affordable Health Care Act (United States)
      • National Debt (United States)
      • Donald Trump
      • Headline News. If threeor fournews channels are covering a story within a week of your pageant then you will be asked for your opinion on the story.

Pageant Answer Tip:

​​​​​​​Current event questions allow you to show that you stay up-to-date with current events, educate yourself to form opinions, and then state your opinion in a motivational and eloquent way while backing up your statements.

Example Pageant Answer:

"With school and mass shootings on the rise, we must protect the people in our country and make them feel safe wherever they go. Although eradicating firearms would not solve any of the issues, having a stricter process of who can obtain them will. Mental exams should be given so that whoever owns a gun is in a sound and stable mind. Having stricter access to firearms can help diminish the tragedies that come from shootings and offer a new sense of protection to Americans."

I wish you the absolute best of success in your interview. Also, if you found value in these pageant questions would you consider telling your sister queens about our site by clicking one of the share buttons below? Thank you in advance!

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Bonus: 100 Pageant Questions Asked In Interview

1. Tell us about yourself and what inspired you to enter this pageant.

2. How do you define beauty and why do you believe it is important in today's society?

3. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?

4. How do you plan to use this platform to make a positive impact in your community?

5. What is the most significant challenge facing young people today, and how can they overcome it?

6. Share a personal accomplishment that you are most proud of and why.

7. How do you handle criticism and negative feedback?

8. What qualities do you think are essential for a role model to possess?

9. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be and what would you ask them?

10. How do you stay confident and positive in the face of adversity?

11. What role do you think education plays in shaping a person's character?

12. How would you promote diversity and inclusion within your community?

13. Describe a charitable cause that is close to your heart and explain why it matters to you.

14. How do you balance your personal and professional life?

15. What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about beauty pageants?

16. If you were crowned, what initiatives would you focus on during your reign?

17. How do you define success, and what steps are you taking to achieve it?

18. What is your favorite quote and how does it inspire you?

19. In your opinion, what is the most pressing environmental issue today, and how can it be addressed?

20. How do you handle stress and pressure in high-stakes situations?

21. If you could have dinner with three influential people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

22. How do you plan to use social media to connect with your audience and promote your platform?

23. What is your stance on mental health awareness, and how would you address it as a titleholder?

24. How do you think technology has impacted relationships and communication in modern society?

25. What lessons have you learned from past failures or setbacks?

26. How do you define leadership, and can you provide an example of when you demonstrated it?

27. What is the most important lesson you have learned from your parents or mentors?

28. How do you prioritize your time and commitments to ensure you are effective in all areas of your life?

29. What advice would you give to young people facing challenges and adversity?

30. How would you use your influence to inspire young girls to pursue their dreams?

31. Describe a situation where you had to overcome a stereotype or prejudice. How did you handle it?

32. What is your favorite book, and how has it influenced your perspective on life?

33. If you could create a campaign to raise awareness about a global issue, what would it be?

34. How do you handle disagreements or conflicts within a team or group setting?

35. What qualities do you believe make a community strong and supportive?

36. How do you plan to stay true to yourself while fulfilling the responsibilities of a titleholder?

37. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it for good?

38. How do you define empowerment, and how would you empower others in your community?

39. What role do you think fashion and style play in expressing one's identity?

40. Share a personal story of resilience and determination that has shaped who you are today.

41. How do you plan to address the issue of bullying and promote kindness in your community?

42. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

43. What steps would you take to address the societal pressures on young people today?

44. How do you plan to collaborate with other organizations to amplify your impact?

45. Describe a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from the experience?

46. What is your perspective on the role of women in today's society, and how can it be improved?

47. How do you prioritize self-care in your busy life, and what activities bring you joy and relaxation?

48. If you had the chance to speak in front of the United Nations, what global issue would you address?

49. How do you plan to inspire and motivate others to take positive action in their lives?

50. Describe a moment when you had to demonstrate grace under pressure.

51. How do you plan to use your title to promote environmental sustainability in your community?

52. If you were given the opportunity to create a new law, what would it be and why?

53. How do you think social media influences body image, and what can be done to promote a healthier view?

54. What is your strategy for handling the responsibilities of a titleholder while managing your personal life?

55. If you could be any fictional character for a day, who would you choose and why?

56. How do you plan to advocate for equal opportunities and rights for all individuals?

57. Share a personal experience that has helped you develop empathy and understanding for others.

58. What role do you believe beauty pageants play in promoting positive change in society?

59. How do you plan to address the issue of gender inequality in the workplace?

60. Describe a situation where you had to confront a stereotype about your culture. How did you handle it?

61. How would you use your platform to address the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community?

62. What steps can be taken to bridge the generation gap and foster understanding between different age groups?

63. How do you plan to inspire young people to become active and engaged citizens in their communities?

64. Share a personal experience that has taught you the importance of gratitude.

65. What is your perspective on the role of arts and culture in shaping a community's identity?

66. How would you address the issue of cyberbullying, especially among young people?

67. How do you plan to promote healthy living and well-being in your community?

68. What is your opinion on the importance of education in combating poverty and inequality?

69. If you could create a mentorship program, what would it focus on, and how would it benefit participants?

70. How do you plan to use your title to promote the importance of volunteerism and community service?

71. What qualities do you think are essential for effective leadership, both on a local and global scale?

72. Share a personal experience that has shaped your perspective on the value of diversity.

73. How would you address the issue of mental health stigma and promote open conversations about it?

74. If you were a role model for young girls, what message would you want to convey to them?

75. What steps can be taken to encourage more women to pursue careers in STEM fields?

76. How do you plan to use your title to raise awareness about the importance of education for girls?

77. Share a personal story of a time when you had to overcome self-doubt or insecurity.

78. What role do you believe the media plays in shaping societal perceptions and values?

79. How would you address the issue of human trafficking, and what steps can be taken to combat it?

80. If you could organize a community event, what would it be and how would it benefit the community?

81. How do you plan to use your influence to advocate for sustainable practices in everyday life?

82. What steps would you take to address the issue of food insecurity in your community?

83. How do you handle disappointment and setbacks in a positive and constructive way?

84. If you were to write a book, what would it be about, and what message would you want to convey?

85. How do you plan to address the issue of accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities?

86. Share a personal experience that has taught you the importance of perseverance.

87. What role do you believe technology can play in addressing social and environmental challenges?

88. How would you use your platform to promote awareness about the importance of mental well-being?

89. If you could organize a fundraiser, what cause would it support, and how would you execute it?

90. How do you plan to encourage young people to actively participate in civic engagement?

91. Share a personal experience that has taught you the importance of effective communication.

92. What steps can be taken to address the issue of gender-based violence in society?

93. How would you use your platform to promote the importance of financial literacy?

94. If you could collaborate with any organization, which one would it be, and why?

95. How do you plan to address the issue of homelessness in your community?

96. Share a personal story of a time when you had to navigate a difficult ethical decision.

97. What is your perspective on the role of spirituality and mindfulness in maintaining balance in life?

98. How would you address the issue of climate change and advocate for sustainable practices?

99. If you could create a public service announcement, what message would it convey, and to whom?

100. How do you plan to leave a lasting legacy and inspire future generations as a titleholder?

Top 125 Pageant Questions Asked by Judges (in Every Pageant) (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.