There are no dedicated drivers available for the Veo Advanced Webcam for use under Windows Vista, and if you attempt to use the standard installation CD you will be greeted with an error stating that the driver is only compatible with Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP. To make things worse, the Veo website appears to now be defunct.
However, I have successfully installed the drivers supplied with the camera on a Windows Vista machine. The method for getting this camera installed on Windows Vista is to use what is known as compatibility mode.
This is a feature of Windows Vista (and some earlier versions) that allows some older drivers and applications to function with newer Windows Operating systems. In essence, it fools the installation CD into thinking it is installing on a compatible OS. I have had success by using Windows Vista in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode for this application. [Note: you configure compatibility mode per application, you don’t need to run the whole system in such a mode].
One Method
1. Hold down the shift key on your computer to disable the CD from Autoplaying
2. Insert the Veo Advanced Connect Installation CD-ROM & Bundled Sofware CD-ROM in your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drive.
3. Browse to the root (first) directory of the Install CD and locate Autorun.exe
4. Right-Click Autorun.exe and select Properties
5. On the resulting window, move to the ‘compatibility’ tab and tick the box labeled “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” then select “Windows XP (Service Pack 2).
6. Click “OK“
7. Browse back to the executable (Autorun.exe), run it and install it as per normal.
Below you will find links to where you can download ISO, Nero, and zipped versions of the Veo Advanced Connect Installation CD-ROM & Bundled Software install CD.
The install CD claims compatibility with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. As per this post, it is compatible with Windows Vista when compatibility mode is used.
Veo Advanced Connect Installation CD-ROM & Bundled Software
[Version: AdvCntV008-VIM]
Primary Download | Secondary Mirror | Tertiary Mirror
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